I’ve had this cross for about twenty years. Before I got it, I had looked for a silver nugget cross for a long time, but could never find one I liked. All of the ones I found seemed to have no character, nothing unique. They all looked the same.
I asked a friend who owned a jewelry store if she could find one for me, but she had about the same luck as I did.
One day, she came to my office and showed me this one. I was very excited! I couldn’t believe she had found THE ONE I wanted!
I asked her where she finally found it and she replied, “Well, I didn’t actually find it. I had my silversmith make it out of some scraps that were just lying around.”
Isn’t that cool? Scraps… Put together by a master craftsman… A thing of beauty. It has never broken. It has never tarnished and there is not another one like it in the world.
Psalm 139, verse 14 says “I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Marvelous are your works and that my soul knows very well.”
Sometimes, our lives seem to be in shambles… just scraps that seem useless, but God is THE master craftsman. He puts the scraps of our lives together to make something that will not tarnish and will be of great value.
Let the Word of God encourage you today. You are one of a kind and he is pleased with you! He loves you!