2 Kings 6 verses 15 thru 17 tells us the account of the time when Elisha and his servant found themselves in a rather sticky situation.
The servant asks the question that I feel many of us have asked or may be asking right now: “What do we do now?”
Elisha answers by saying “Don’t worry. The ones who are with us are greater that the ones who are against us.”
The servant replies saying “But sir, its only you and me! There no one here with us!”
Elisha prays that the Father would open his eyes and he then sees the HEAVENLY army that is gathered there to do battle for them.
What do YOU see today?
Do you see your enemies? Do you see circumstances that are too great for you to walk through?
Or can you see the army of God that is encamped around you just waiting to hear your voice commanding them to move into battle?
I encourage you today to allow God to open your eyes to His mighty power and abundant provision for your life!