Have you seen the pictures and videos of the complete and utter devastation in Japan?
Every time I look at a new video or group of pictures from the past few days in that country, I can’t help but look toward the sky and say “Thank You, Father for all of the wonderful blessings you’ve poured out on me!”
I find myself thinking of my beautiful, wonderful wife and how much I depend on her every day. I think of my awesome children who are all so healthy and full of life. I think of all the friends I have around me for support in so many areas of my life.
Then I realize how fragile all of that is and that at any moment it could all be gone. I am overwhelmed with gratitude for everything I have and am a part of.
Thank you, Father for everything you’ve blessed me with. May I never take any of your blessings for granted. Help me to always remember that “There, but for the grace of a loving God, go I.”
What are you thankful for? When was the last time you told them how grateful you are for them?
Tell them TODAY!!!