In Deuteronomy chapter 30, verse 19, God says to us; “I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live.”
Over the last few weeks we’ve watched our government in turmoil. Back and forth across the aisle go the accusations. Taunts of corruption, mistrust, lies, and all manner of ill will.
During this I heard church people say things like; “We just need to be united as a nation and stand for what is right!” “We need to love each other!” “We need God back in our nation!” I heard every “Christian” cliche you could imagine. FaceBook was ablaze with posts like this “Share if you believe God can save our nation.” or “Hit ‘Like’ if you believe God is still in control.” and there were soooo many more, I just don’t have time to list them all.
It seems that when things are going wrong outside the church, we have all the answers and we have no problem shouting to the world that the answer to bad government, poverty, hate, and everything else is God and His love.
This past weekend, we in the church world learned that another of our own has run into a difficult season. Everyone knows to whom and to what I refer, so I will not name names or divulge details. No need for that. But I must say, I am absolutely amazed and confounded at what ensued shortly after the news broke.
The rocks began to fly! Back and forth across media went the accusations. Taunts of corruption, mistrust, lies, and all manner of ill will.
WAIT… That sounds like… (anyone seeing a pattern here?)
The old song says “What the world needs now, Is love, sweet love, It’s the only thing that there’s just too little of.
What the world needs now, Is love, sweet love, No, not just for some but for everyone.”
I believe we get this so wrong sometimes. No one would argue with me that the world needs to “be loved” or know that God loves them, but I believe that what will really change the world is when the world begins to see a group of people who will not shoot their own wounded (like the world does).
Jesus said, in John 13:35, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”
Can we change the world? Yes, I believe we can, but it will only happen when we decide to lay down our offenses, hurts, differences of opinion, and differences in taste and style and begin to show the Love of God to the world, not only by Loving those outside our ranks, but by loving those within our ranks who have done us wrong or who have failed to meet certain standards.
I believe God has set a choice before us “Life or Death, Blessing or Cursing.” It’s our choice. Will we speak life or death. Will we bless or curse?
The world is waiting…
Your comments are welcomed.