I’m sure we all would say that, over the weekend, we were a part of some amazing church services. I’m sure the worship was strong and the message was challenging.
That’s what we (Christians) do, right? We do church… and we do it well, but can I ask you a question? What are you doing today with what you heard and experienced yesterday?
My pastor, Bishop Tony Miller, has been doing a series called “Ecclesia” that has been very challenging to us all. Yesterday, he spoke about relationships and how that we are designed for proper connection.
Today, I am examining the relationships in my life and asking God to help me to know which ones need to be initiated, which ones need to be nurtured, which ones need to be restored, and which ones need to be severed.
What are you doing with God’s word today? Are you putting it into practice or did it just make you “feel good” yesterday?
Put it to work!
I’d love to hear what you’re doing with what you heard. Please comment below!
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