Alright, here’s a question for you: What is the most important aspect of Worship in churches?
I hear a lot of “buzz words” like excellence, relevance, and so on in reference to how we “do worship” in our churches. I think it is good for us to work hard to produce a spirit of excellence in what we do. I also think there is some value to whether or not people can relate to what we are doing. You wouldn’t want to go into a church that is made up of mostly upper class white people in their 50s and 60s and try to get them to worship to grunge rock worship music (extreme example; I know, but you get the idea).
There are so many different things we can become focused on in building teams, working with musicians, developing leaders, and leading worship in services that I’m afraid we often miss the things that are most important.
So, here’s the task: if I were to ask you as a worship leader, a worship team member, or a church member; what is the most important piece of the “church worship” puzzle? What would your answer be?
I would like to take your answers and compile them in a list so please let me know whether you are a worship leader, a worship team member, or a church member when you leave you comments.
I will post the final results later. Thanks for your help.
Ready… GO!
GREAT question!!:) Honour, openness and the lack of any defensiveness in the relationship between the Senior Pastor and the key worship leader(s)
Thanks Paul!!!
The most important pieces of worship are the openness and willingness of everyone involved. As well as God’s choice to move within them. It is perfectly possible to have an awful music team that play off key, sing a little too high and are offbeat and still have God move in an amazing way when the people are more than willing and open to praise Him. Even if the worship team is the very definition of excellence and perfection if the congregations isn’t willing to open themselves to worship then they cannot achieve what worship is supposed to be- a proclamation of love.
Well thank you Ms. Rebekka!
I think that the most important thing about church worship is the object of our worship (God) and our response to Him. To come before Him both in a worthy manner and with a totally abandoned heart. Nothing is more amazing than being at the highest place of worship (his feet) and just completely giving yourself over to Him. I am both a church member and a worship leader 🙂
Very good thoughts Karman. Thanks for the input!