I live in Oklahoma. This picture is a common sight in the months of late winter and spring as we experience tornado season. We hear it constantly on weather broadcasts and alerts.
“Get to the lowest area of the building and stay in a crouching position until the storm passes!”
Isn’t it interesting that the best way to survive a storm is to get as low as possible?
Most of the time, in this world of “climbing the ladder of success” and “do everything you can to go as high as you can” there’s not room or time for “going low.” I wonder if maybe we’ve missed something.
In the book of Luke, chapter 19, we see the story of a man named Zacchaeus. He was a man who wanted to see Jesus, so he climbed as high as he could. As Jesus passed by, He looked up and said to Zacchaeus, “Come down at once!”
In order for him to get face to face with Jesus, Zacchaeus had to come down from where he had worked so hard to climb to.
Sometimes we find ourselves in a low place and we wonder if anyone knows, but that may be exactly where we meet Him face to face!
Be encouraged today!
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